Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'M SO DANG BORED!!! I just found out that the nascar race was moved to a different time. We are going to church at 5:00. I could read my book but I'm saving it to read before bed tonight. It's pretty cool out, so I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =( The very bored, lonley, sad Hannah


Hi! we are at our cabin this weekend. This morning we went to the Princeton- flee -market (this was the first one of the year) and like NOBODY was there! I have come up with a brilliant idea.... from now on each day (and at school) i will write a journal, then about twice a week i will put it all on my blog!!! well, my dad and brother are watching the NFL draft. (personally i think that it's boring!) and there is a NASCAR race on this weekend so my sisters going to be watching that!! At least i have a book to read!! Have a nice weekend! Hannah

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pictures from our trip.(during spring break!! Sorry on text with it! I am having a bad luck day!)

Sunny future

There is sun in the future! Only 34 more days of school left! I swear, I have about 3 count down lists going! And i already wrote about the list i had on my desk! Well, i have to go back to school! At girl scouts tonight we are going to a nursing home! g2g! Hannah

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How many days left of school you ask?

I'll answer that question in two short words: TOO MANY!! Okay... there is 35 days left! I have a count down on a piece of paper that i put on my desk at school, and while my teacher was teaching she stopped, than said to me, "I just figured out what that piece of paper was for!" It was embarrassing and hilarious! We just got a new soccer net so my brother and i basically spent all day out there!! Tonight we are going over to a friends house and tomorrow I have soccer practice! I'm PRAYING that i have a good team this year! The only information we got about my soccer team was that the color is lime green... which is pretty SWEET! That's about it for now!! Have a nice rest of your weekend! Hannah

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

38 DAYS!

38 DAYS TIL SUMMER!! I"m so excited. Having spring break was like having a taste test of summer! My brother just got braces and now I'm the only kid with-out grills! g2g to school :(

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm so worn out! At my sleep over last night we went to bed at 2:00 am, then woke up at 8:30. After i came back, one of my other friends invited me to her house, right after i came home from that my sister, my mom, and i went to the mall. When we got home we had to have dinner then i took a walk with my mom and my dad. WHOO! But i had a very fun day! Tomorrow I'm sleeping in! Hannah

Friday, April 9, 2010


OMG! I can't believe it snowed last night! It was so out-of-the-blue!! I'm mad! Anyway... TGIF!! I'm going to a sleepover tonight so that's going to be fun!!! By the way, i don't know if you already knew this but you can click on the pictures i post to make them bigger. Have a nice weekend! Hannah

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is us during spring break in
Washington d.c!

2nd picture is of the space shuttle,"Enterprise"

The last one is a picture of Ford's Theater.