Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here is some pics!

Here are some pictures from this winter of us sledding at the cabin. Our neighbor there made a HUGE snow hill with a jump on it! You had to use a ladder to get up to the top!The picture on the bottom is not the big snow hill! That is just the part you walk up on but we wanted to sled down it!!

Are you watching the Olympics?

Hey hows it going? Have you been watching the Olympics? My favs. are Louge and speed skating! My brother and I were inspired so we started recreating the Olympic games so we could do them in our back yard! We call them the goulympics! I love watching the edbassmaster videos on YouTube! My favs. are the Elmo and Kermit prank calls! Along with ugly face!! So cool! It has warmed up here and the snow has started to melt. Pretty soon it will be pants and sweatshirt season! My FAVORITE!!! My dad and my sister are watching the Nascar race right now! Kindda bored!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Oh my gosh I'm so glad that its Friday!! I am going to the YMCA with my Friends tonight so that will be fun!!I'm also writing a book for a contest. Last year i got an Illustration award for my book. Lets see... what else is new? Oh yeah, It is finally warming up here! I mean it is still freezing out but at least it isn't below freezing!! Well i have to go to school!! have a nice Friday Everyone! Hannah

Monday, February 8, 2010


Iwas sick today:(>It doesn't feelgood!We went to our cabin this weekend. If you want to see any pictures go to my brothers blog Fox River Times. I know it sounds crazy for me but i lost track of how mny days left of school!!! Am I loosing my mind?!?!??!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

