Showing posts with label 2010 countdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010 countdown. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010


Iwas sick today:(>It doesn't feelgood!We went to our cabin this weekend. If you want to see any pictures go to my brothers blog Fox River Times. I know it sounds crazy for me but i lost track of how mny days left of school!!! Am I loosing my mind?!?!??!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Sunday, January 31, 2010

121 days!!

Hey! There is 121 days until the summer starts and school ends! But of coarse I'm counting all weekends and all breaks! I am totally OBSESSED with the summer! Just the thought of having freedom and being able to sleep in as long as i want to makes me look forward to summer even more!!! I have to keep in mind that there is still spring break! I hope that it warms up here! My brother and i are SO crazy! We went outside yesterday, all dressed up like Eskimos(Because we refused to wear jackets!) and went in a spot that didn't have snow in it to play soccer!!!! I should have token a picture! Have a nice week!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

count down

There is 121 days of school left! But whose counting? (ME!!)


OMG! I'm SOO sorry that i didn't up date my blog during the past summer! I got very busy! This year my new years resolution is going to be to up date my blog more often! :) So, I'm going to start the season off with a count down till summer!! Yes I know what you are thinking... I have already started a count down! But I CAN'T wait until summer!!!Check out the polls and I will keep posting! -Hannah