Saturday, June 26, 2010


hello!! i hope your summer is going good!! I'm leaving for a camp, on Sunday, that my friend, Madison, and i do every year! I'm so excited!! it's a bible camp in green lake called the Pilgrim Center! this will be my 4Th year going! when i get back i will post all the exciting things that happened! and if i forget to..... we'll I'm probably too busy telling my family about all of my adventures that i have no time to post them!! i wonder if there is a way to put pictures from a disposable camera onto a computer...... if i can find a way to put them on i will be able to show the pictures i took!! we'll i have to go put my final things in my bag!!! Bye! Hannah

Friday, June 18, 2010

warm weather!!

YES!! finally some warmer weather!! some friends, my sister, and i finally got to go swimming in our pool!! So, has anyone been watching the world cup? i have watched most of the games. (except the ones at 6:00 am!!!) the USA v. Slovenia game today was pretty good but we are not too happy with the bias ref!! If you haven't noticed i have a new addition to the blog!! i now have put a slide show in! the pictures are just off of blogger because i couldn't find out how to put my own pictures onto the slide show!! but if i can get help from my sister she will find a way!! hope you are having a good summer! i am!! Bye! Hannah

Friday, June 4, 2010


Hey!! I'm so sorry that i haven't posted for a very long time! i was so busy with school stuff but....... SCHOOLS OUT!!!! today was our last day of school! The school had a talent show that my friends and i were lucky enough to participate in!!!! we danced to "Break Your Heart". it was very fun!! The whole school also got to have pizza and soda!!! We couldn't go outside to sign year books and eat our pizza though because it was very rainy out. :( Another thing that we did was watch a movie! We watched "On Our Own". I've never heard of the movie before this but it was pretty good. So, the first thing that i did when i got off of the bus and officially started summer of 2010 was stand next to my friend, and neighbor, Payton and yell, "SCHOOL'S OUT! SUMMER'S IN!!" We say that every year when we hop off the bus!! since my brother was in 8th grade though, this was his last day of riding the bus, and it was his last day of middle school. Next year i will get the whole middle school to myself and neither my brother OR sister will be going there!!!! YEAH!!! Okay, i think i have said enough!! Have a nice rest of the summer and i will try to post more often! Thanks! Signed, Hannah