Thursday, July 29, 2010


hey!! i couldn't get my pictures i took at camp on here, we only have the one mom took with our digital camera!! so this pic. is Madison and i with our camp counselor! we had lots of fun! her name was Maggie and she was very nice!!! we had great weather that weekend so we got to go swimming, hiking, we got to go on a stream walk.... very exciting!!

this picture is of me at my last soccer game. i think the final score was like, 3-4 or something like that!! (they won =p ) anyway I'm number ten. i play goalie or forward usually. at the time this picture was taken i was playing right wing offence.

this is at the end of the game, you can see me in that picture. as i said, I'm number ten. the team we played against was a team we had already played before. when we first played them in the beginning of the year they had beaten us badly..... =(
well,, that's all for now!! Have a nice rest of your summer!!! Hannah

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