Sunday, September 26, 2010

My weekend

Hey!!! I had a very interesting weekend!! I have a special story to share, so here it goes. We went to our cabin this weekend, and on Saturday morning, around 10:00 am, my sister and i decide to go into our basement to work on school work and such. So, we went down there, I went to go feed my rabbit (yes, we bring our rabbit there every weekend) and Lauren started SCREAMING and she ran up stairs!! I had no idea what she was screaming about, but i ran upstairs too because i thought she had seen a mouse!! We got upstairs and Lauren's freaking out, meanwhile our neighbor, Dave, came over to talk to Sam. That's when we got the full story from Lauren. Supposedly, when we went down stairs, Lauren went to turn on the radio and she saw this black "cord" laying there next to it. So she goes to "plug it in" and the "cord" sticks its "tongue" out at her!! The black "cord" she went to plug in was actually a SNAKE!!!! So, my mom went down there and caught it with a net!! Then, later that day, my sister went down there again to work on school work and she finds a SNAKE SKIN HANGING FROM THE CEILING!! So this weekend i learned 1 thing: there are snakes living in our cabin!!!! Isn't that just wonderful!?!? (I'm being sarcastic) Well, that's pretty much it for this weekend!!! so goodnight!! -Hannah

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Packer pics....

Hey!! I have the pics. i promised you on my computer!! (thanks to my loving and caring sister) =] so, here they are!! Oh ya, they also sold green and gold hamburger and brat buns...forgot to post that. Here they are!! You know, i suddenly have a feeling like I'm over reacting!! =)
ahhh, the packer table....

Well, that's basically it! nothing that special!! sadly that is about the most exciting thing that has happened this week!!! (you see what school does to my week!?!?) I'll post if anything else happens that's blog- worthy!!See Ya!!! -Hannah

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CRAZINESS at Festival Food

HEY!! long time no post right!!?? Well, I definitely hope that you liked the pictures from the soccer game, but I have different ones to post sometime soon. This is why, one day I was going shopping with my sister and mom and we had to stop and pick up groceries. So, we went to Festival Foods (I prefer that place over Wal-mart!!) and they had this big PACKER section up, so my sister and i decide to go check it out! We walked over there and we saw GREEN AND GOLD HOT DOG BUNS!!!! I mean seriously!! What has this world come to!?!?!? A packer cake is enough!! i don't think you need to buy green and gold hot dog buns to make you an official packer fan!! We thought that was ridiculous so I took some pics. of them on my phone and once i get them on my computer i will post them. It was funny though, when I took out my phone and started snapping pics. everyone around us gave my sister and I this "you need to seek mental help" kind of look!!! ha ha!! But that's okay... most people look at me like that anyway!! =) well, i got to go eat din-din so see ya!!!! (and I'll make sure to post the pics.) Goodnight!! -Hannah

Saturday, September 11, 2010

mOrE sOcCeR pIcTuReS!!!

Hey!! I have more soccer pictures from the game we went to!! Check 'em out!! This was a nice save by Sean Johnson. Even though i was rooting against him, he's still a pretty sweet goalie!! This save was before either team scored.

This was before the game when we were walking around in shock of how awesome it was to be there!! In the back round is the stadium.

After Chicago fire scored everyone BUT Lauren and i were happy...

.... And you can tell by the looks on our faces!! My mouth was really blue because I had ate a blue snow cone!! (at least my mouth was my teams color!)

This was obviously AFTER La Galaxy scored!! :) Notice: everyone near is sitting down, not jumping around screaming like they were 2 pics. before. =)

We'll that's basically it, no other news except that there was a coyote in our back yard yesterday!! It was weird!!! Have a nice week (of school :p) BYE!!!!!
BTW: if you click on the picture it enlarges it so you can see it better

Monday, September 6, 2010

La Galaxy Soccer Game!!

Hey!!! I had an AWESOME weekend!!! We went to the Chicago Fire vs. La Galaxy soccer game at Toyota Park in Chicago. Sam's Favorite team is the Chicago Fire and mine is the La Galaxy, so it worked great to go to one of those games!! The final core was 1-1, so i guess we both won! =) I have more pictures to post but they aren't on the computer yet, so i will post them later. But, for now check out these SWEET pics!! This was a huge Toyota park sign that was above the field.
The number 10 player (in White) is my ALL TIME favorite player. His name is Landon Donovan and he plays for La Galaxy.

The goal keeper in this pic. is Donovan Ricketts. He is pretty awesome! This picture was taken before the game even started, so he is just stretching here.

My sister and i were the only La Galaxy fans out of my whole family so we cried and cheered together. =) We had so much fun! it was crazy! well, keep looking for more pics i will post from the game! til then, Goodbye. Hannah