Saturday, August 28, 2010

My lil' fish are sadly gone :'(

Hey, my lil' fish were annoying when i was on my blog so I've decided to take them off!! i went to the tundra lodge for a sleep over last week and i had a blast!! I didn't take many pictures because basically we were swimming the whole time!! =) and i didn't want to hurt my camera by bringing it into that humid/wet environment anyway!! I've been very sad lately. Just knowing that our relaxed summer days are soon going to be boring, sleepy, homework filled days brings a tear to my eye!! we'll, i need to go do other things!!! So GOOOOOOOOOOODBYE!!! Hannah

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

At my friend (payton's) house......

hey!!! You guys like my Lil' fish!?! they are kind of random but also SWEET!! Right now we are riding my friends pet dolphin!!!! Just kidding!! Right now we are posting this obviously!! we're just kind of bored!! This is Payton: Hannah and I are in the same class for 6th grade and we ride the same bus!!! we'll we are both so sad that school is going to start in a week or so..... BYE!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

My lil' Fish!!

Hey!! You are all probably wondering "Ummm, why are there little fishes swimming around on your blog!?!" well, i will tell you why.... BECAUSE THERE AWESOME!!!! =) no, in all seriousness, i was just checking out weird things you can put on here and ran across those fish. But they are pretty cool!! they follow your mouse when you put it in the blue box!! i have named them!! they're....
Black fish is- Splash
Orange fish- Cutie
Green fish- Smartypants
Yellow fish- Summer (of course!! (: )
Red fish- Rex
And, White fish (that you can hardly see!)- Chocolate!! =)
We'll!! That's that!!! i will probably take them off soon because i will most likely get sick and tired of them!!! So, ENJOY MY VIRTUAL FISH TANK!! Hannah

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Michigan Pictures

Hey!!! I had an awesome time on our trip!!! I Have tons of photos to show you!! Also, watch out for my "5 CRAZY things i saw on this trip!!!" Enjoy! "CHILLIN' WITH MY GNOMIES!!!" ha ha!!! This is such a crazy photo we took in Frankenmuth, MI!!!!

My grandma, sister, mom and i playing cards!! in this picture we are playing the card game "65"

My cousins, sister, and i, cold after going swimming!! One of the days we went to a lake to swim and fish. That's where this pic. was taken. Notice: My brother and my other cousin are not in this picture because they were fishing. they caught LOTS of fish!!!

We went to Bronner's Christmas store and i was on the search to find the most bizarre ornament, this was the winner..... A SANTA RIDING A GOOSE!!!!

My Grandpa, dad, and I went fishing. i didn't catch anything but my Grandpa caught some good bass.

this is a pic. of all the kids (cousins). on this trip, these were the only cousins we saw.

Well, I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures! and keep checking my blog!!! Thanks!! Hannah

Sunday, August 15, 2010

In Michigan

Hey y'all!!! I'm in Michigan as i write this!! we woke up yesterday at 5:00 and drove here. (I love waking up at the crack of dawn to start a trip!!) Then, today i went fishing on the dock with my brother, We played LOTS of card games with my grandma and grandpa and now we are waiting for my cousins to come here and pick up their dog! It's been a very fun day!!! At night (10:00pm) these people across the river were shooting off LOUD fireworks!! but when i finally got to sleep i slept great!!! well, I'm going to get off now!! Make sure to check the side bar on my blog because i will be posting the weird and interesting things that i have learned or saw on this trip!!! Well, see ya!! Hannah
(P.S. thanks grandpa for letting me use your computer to write this report!!! =) )

Friday, August 13, 2010


Hey!! we'll, tomorrow at 6:00 am we are leaving to go to Michigan!!!! we will see our cousins that live there then go see our grandparents! (they also live in Michigan) it's going to be a blast!!! i will have lots of photos to show... so check back on the 22nd or 23rd.... i should have them on here by then!! I'm so not ready for school to start!! i mean... WHO IS!?!?!? but i guess we have to go back sooner or later. =( then i can post about all of the homework we're getting!! lol! This year i will be in 6th grade. OMG!!! i just realized that today is Friday the 13!!! That's so weird!!! i don't really care though because i don't believe in any of that!!! Did anyone see the meteor showers last night!!?? my sister and i stayed up to see them and Lauren saw 8 and i saw 2. That's because i got tired and went to bed.... =) lol!! all of a sudden you would just see a line of light go across the sky!! It was SO wicked!! Well, this is kinda getting long and i should pack my book bag for our trip so, for now, goodbye! Hannah

Monday, August 9, 2010


Hey!! I have more pics. to show you!! These ones are from when my friend and i went swimming in our pool and were holding each other up!! Just an FYI: I will be putting on more pictures on my blog now that i know how to put them on the computer!! here they are.....
Obviously Madison is much lighter then me and she's easier to hold up..... Just saying.....

TAH-DAH!!! The end!! well, as i said before, i will be putting more photos on my blog. but when school starts up again no promises that ill update that much!! well, take care!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hey! these are some pictures from the sleepover i was on last night. Ahhhhh, my CRAZY friends and i!!! =) well here they are!! Enjoy!! This is a funny picture... the story on it is, my friends and i decided we wanted to make mustaches and goatees!! well, then we started dressing up (we aren't dressed up in this picture) and we walked over to my house to see my parents and freak them out!!! i was dressed up as a gangster and the rest of them were either granny's or grandchildren!! FUN!!
This is simply a goofy photo!!

Wow!! i actually got a serious picture! =)

We were running around and got warm so that they went to the freezer and stuck their faces in it!

This photo was of my two friends acting very "presidential" i guess!! the summer is almost over..... i hate to say!!! but i hope you enjoy the rest of it!!! bye! Hannah

Thursday, August 5, 2010

At my Personal Editor's house for a sleepover....

HEY!!! I'm at my "personal editor's" house for a sleepover!! We're going to stay up late and watch a movie!!!! right now we are drinking SoBe lifewater and it's SO good so buy some!!!! Hahahahaha!!!! I'm just kidding!!! but they are very delicious and calorie free!! they are looking over my shoulder as i right this... I will take some pictures and put them on here if i can. i hope you hug ten bald men this week!!!!! =) lol!! Bye!!